Children’s Home

Learn More about Jane Olson

In our children’s home we are blessed with 34 precious children.

These children come from different backgrounds, some have been orphaned by the harsh circumstances of poverty, some have been abandoned, and others have been given to us because both the financial and social hardships are too much on the parents.IMG_3340

Meet the staff: Resla Amoit (assistant), Edward Ratemo (Assistant), Scholastica Barasa (teacher), Andrew, Wanjala (House Father) and Esther Wanjala (House Mother)

Meet the staff:
Edward Ratemo (assistant), Resla Amoit (Assistant), Scholastica Barasa (teacher), Andrew, Wanjala (House Father) and Esther Wanjala (House Mother)

We desire that every child have an experience with both a loving father and mother in the home. Therefore we have placed house parents with the Children that care for the them as well as volunteers and Bible School students that assist in caring for the them and teaching them the love of God.

All the children that are of school age attend a local school for education as well as interaction with other children to help them develop their social skills.

We provide complete care for these children.

Complete care includes: housing, loving personal care, food and education. Which requires payment for  fees, uniforms, etc. It costs us $70 per month to care for each child. That splits into $35 a month to feed him and another $35 to provide his education.IMG_3345

Every dollar opens the door for another child to come into a loving home.

We look forward to sharing some future success stories of what our children to will do for the kingdom of God.