Third Year Curriculum

Year-Three:  MINISTERIAL COURSE – Senior
      Course Description

Pauline Epistles I (Romans & 1-11 Corinthians)
Pauline Epistles II  (Romans through Titus) (Alternate)
Pastoral Epistles (I – II Timothy and Titus)
Principles of Restoration
Deeper Life
Pastoral Theology I (Methods)
Pastoral Theology II (Problems)
Homiletics III (Expository Preaching)
Hermeneutics (Science of Interpretation)
Church Business and Office Management
Church History
Psychology I (Redemption of Human Nature)
Psychology III (Adult behavioral Development)
Sociology (Family Relationships)
Philosophy  (Christian Morality and Ethics)
Choir (all Classes)
Introduction to Church Music and song Leading
Pneumatology (Doctrine of The Holy Spirit)
Ecclesiology (Doctrine of the Church)
Eschatology (Doctrine of last things)
Divine Healing