Bungoma Bible School

Bungoma Bible School provides up to 4 years of curriculum as well as accreditation for students of the bible.IMG_2962

The school provides free tuition and housing for students. Students are responsible for their own food and meeting other financial needs. Although this may seem generous, it can be very challenging in an area with a very low employment rate.

Click Here to view the Courses of Study
The school is funded solely through donations from supporters like you.

As part of the students training into ministry they hold crusades (outdoor meetings) in Bungoma and many other towns and villages throughout Kenya. The crusades have been enormously successful across the years and thousands of people have been saved through this dynamic ministry. This provides our students with hand-on ministry application.


Graduating our students

BBM Bible School Graduate

We have students that come to the Bible School from all over Kenya and Africa. As a result of the students being trained in the truth of God’s Word, they are returning to their hometown/villages to establish churches, returning to the work force and impacting their community for the kingdom . As a result we have seen 500 churches planted from our graduates to this date. We look forward to giving you more stories of what our graduates are doing all around Africa.